Growth at the same location, bringing together departments that had previously been separated, or reducing and sub-letting space that is not currently required: the reasons for space optimisation can be highly varied. In every case, a well planned building offers significantly more flexibility while also creating a better working environment and greater employee satisfaction
Analysis of space needs and potential
Optimisation of room structures for existing buildings and new builds
Holistic evaluation: employee satisfaction – cost effectiveness – flexibility
Many office buildings follow a rigid layout: two-person and three-person offices; long, dark corridors; and far too few meeting rooms. Contemporary office buildings, by contrast, utilise the whole building and create a range of opportunities for varied working methods. Lounge areas and kitchenettes that can also be used for working in a more relaxed atmosphere, quiet areas for focused work or confidential conversations, open spaces for communicative teamwork or walls that can be used as mood boards – all of these features invite employees to leave their own desks and look at things from a new perspective.
Our modern space concepts partition the office space much more efficiently and flexibly. Highly sound-absorbing glass partition walls enable workspaces to be compressed in a way that is not perceived as cramped. We also create conference rooms, meeting points and lounge areas that tangibly improve employee communication and facilitate new ways of working. This generates considerably more benefits for everyone while fitting more workstations into the same space.
Changes cause uncertainty, particularly when they are perceived by employees as cutbacks. That is why our concepts put employees and their workflows at the heart of the design. The long-term savings of fixed costs related to rent and ancillary costs are generated by higher-quality fittings and furnishings along with additional common areas that benefit employees in turn. By involving employees and the works council in the analysis and planning process at an early stage, we also ensure acceptance and motivation.